Every fresh OneUp account comes with a functional Chart of Accounts. But when you move to OneUp from a prior accounting solution, you may want to carry over your existing Chart of Accounts, especially if you plan to import accounting transactions.

Sure, you can edit each account one-by-one to change account numbers, move accounts from one family to another, or rename them, but what if you have a large number of accounts? To handle a large number of changes we recommend uploading a Chart of Accounts.

Note: uploading a chart of has a big impact and potential negative consequences. Uploading chart of accounts cannot be undone, so we recommend working with a CPA or OneUp expert during this process to avoid making unwanted changes to your account.


The Chart of Accounts importer accepts a very simple format for uploading:




Postage Expenses

Download the Chart of Accounts from your prior solution and prepare a CSV (comma-separated-value) with these two columns.


Number Length option

Sets the default account number length used when setting account numbers. To know which selection to make you must determine which numbering convention you are using. There are two main types of numbering conventions, flat numbering and hierarchical numbering.

What is flat numbering?

Flat numbering is common for GAAP accounting in U.S., United Kingdom, and most other countries in the world using accounting systems based on these.In a flat numbering system, the majority of the account numbers have the same length, including top-most (family) accounts and bottom level (actual) accounts.

In most cases account numbers will all have the same length, however it is still possible to add more accounts of even further detail with longer account numbers, if the chart of accounts grows outside of the range you intended to use. For example: You have one family account Widgets 61100 and another one Services 61110. You are creating sub-accounts 61101-61109 for widgets and you run out. It is possible to have accounts 611010, 611011, 611012 ... that will still be sub-accounts of 61100.

40000 - INCOME

        40100 - SALES

        40110 - SALES:PRODUCTS

        40120 - SALES:ASSEMBLIES


For the flat numbering in this example, you would choose a length of “5” since that is the length of the account numbers for the design of the top-level of the chart of accounts.

What is hierarchical numbering?

Hierarchical numbering is specific to France, Belgium, Spain and many french-speaking countries. In a hierarchical numbering system, the top-most family accounts have the shortest length (often only one number long, such as the account “4 - THIRD PARTY ACCOUNTS” below. Sub-account families and accounts have progressively longer account numbers, and the bottom level (actual) accounts have the longest length.



                401 - VENDORS

                        4010000 - OTHER VENDORS

For the Hierarchical numbering in this example, you would choose a length of “7” since that is the length of the account numbers for bottom level accounts.


Are you simply adding additional accounts to the existing Chart of Accounts? Or do you want to start fresh? This is what the “Cleaning” option is for.

Cleaning OFF

When you simply want to add more accounts to the Chart of Accounts, such as additional expense accounts you want to leave the existing chart of accounts intact. In this case you want to have Clean CoA set to OFF (the default setting) during import.

Cleaning ON

Other times, you want to upload a fresh Chart of Accounts and remove the existing Chart of Accounts as much as possible during importing. For his you want to have Clean CoA set to ON (in Advanced section)

When will an account not be cleaned?

  • If the account is referenced by an existing accounting transaction
  • If the account is a “Core account” used by built-in OneUp business rules
  • If the account is assigned to an entity like Customers, Vendors, Products, Banks...
  • If the account is a Family account with one or more children
  • If the account exists in the uploaded file


The account number in the file is used to compare the uploaded file to the existing Chart of Accounts, and to determine where in the list it should be added. Below are some things to keep in mind about how the file is processed:

Number Length

The account numbers in the file must be exactly the “Number Length” selected or longer.

Bad data

Lines with bad data/format will be skipped (account number is not a number, name is blank, etc)

Existing account numbers

When the account number is the same as an existing account, the existing account will be overwritten. For Hierarchical account numbering, you cannot rename family accounts unless they have the same length as the “Number Length”.

When an existing account is not included in the uploaded file, it will be left alone (not deleted) unless you chose “Clean CoA” option.

Account numbers must be unique

When the importer encounters two or more lines with the same account number, it will use the last one encountered in the list (farthest from the top)

Top-level parent

When there is not a top-level account to be parent to an account, it will be skipped. For example: You try to import you try to import an account ‘9000000’ to a French account and there is no parent account ‘9’

Account number length

If possible, existing account numbers will be shortened to match the “Number Length” selected.

Position in Chart of Accounts

If the account number is not present in the existing chart of accounts, OneUp will search for the best possible parent for this new account (see rules below)


Standard Accounts

When uploading a file, OneUp uses the account number to decide where to place the account in the chart of accounts. It does so by identifying the family that has the most numbers in common at the beginning of the account number.

So for example in this section of an existing Chart of Accounts:

50000 - Cost of Sales

        51000 - Product Cost

        51001 - Product Cost - Items

        51002 - Product Cost - Services

57000 - Expenses

        57500 - Freight

Example 1 - Importing account 50010

50010 would have a parent account of 50000 - Cost of Sales, because it shares the starting digit ‘5’.

Example 2 - Importing account 51001

51001 would have a parent account of 51000 - Product Cost since the ‘5’ and ‘1’ match this family account.

Example 3 - Importing account 52001

52001 would have a parent account of 50000- Cost of Sales, because it matches the ‘5’. Since there is no family account 52000, 50000 is the nearest family account.

Auxiliary accounts

Certain models of Chart of Account track entities like customers and vendors with auxiliary accounts under a collective account.

Take for example that you are importing a vendor ‘FOU-015’. This vendor belongs to the collective account ‘4110000’.

Many solutions will export the chart of accounts with ‘FOU-015’ as the account number for this auxiliary account. But in order to be properly positioned in the chart of accounts, the 'Collective account' (which is 4110000 in this case) has to be mentioned in the number column.

So, to properly get this auxiliary account to import, the number has to be '[Collective account number] [auxiliary number]' -> ‘4110000 FOU-015’


There is no link inside of your OneUp account to access the importer. To do the import, follow this link. Proceed with caution!

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