
Customers are who you sell your products or services to. To create a new Customer: Sales - Customer - New Customer.

You can set a customer to "Individual" or "Company", depending on whether your customer is a consumer or a business.

If your customer is a "Company", you may want to specify contacts for the customer. To do this, please click on "new contact" and "details" to add more information about that contact.

When you create opportunities or sales documents for your customers, you can specify the contact that particular opportunity or sales document is addressed to.

In the "advanced" section of your customer wizard you can specify:

  • payment terms (clicking on the "+", you can directly create new ones)
  • the default sales tax or VAT (and have it overwrite the product VAT if you wish)
  • invoicing currency and price group

Those specifications will be used when you create your sales documents.

You can use Import Customers to add your lists of customers and contacts to your OneUp account (Sales - Customers - [︙] button - Import Customers).  See the Customer Import Guide for details.


Price family

Define price families and so create price groups for your customers. To create a new price family, open your customer and go to "advanced". Then into the field "price family" and select "create a new ...".


You can define sales prices or discounts per price families in "Sales - discount catalogs" or "Sales - sales price lists".

For more information about price lists, please read this guide: Sales Price List for different Customer Groups



How do I manage Local / Export / EEC?

To set up European tax and separate between Local / EEC and Export, please modify following settings first:

  • In settings - company settings, enable your export functionality, answer the question “do you export” with a YES
  • In sales - customers, select the customer and open to edit
  • Open the advanced section and select a corresponding group in the field “Accounting Category”
    • Local: your customer is a local customer, you sell in your country
    • Export: your customer is abroad, but not in the EU, you sell outside the EU
    • EEC: your customer is EU member, you sell in the EU
  • Please note: there is no setting necessary in your vendor information, the accounting category will need to be selected in the purchase document header

Above settings will now allow you to register sales and purchase documents using the correct accounting type and VAT category.

Example: you sell a product to a customer in the European Economic Community, outside your country:

  • Create your sales order in Sales - More - Sales Orders - New Sales Order
  • Select your EEC customer
  • If the EEC customer has already the necessary accounting category set up, it will show correctly as EEC in the sales document header on the right side in the field “accounting category”
  • If the EEC customer does not yet have the correct setup, please select the accounting category manually
  • As soon as you invoice your EEC customer, the VAT report will show, that this turnover was generated to EEC and you will be able to handle according declarations
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