
Keep track of time related to your customers and projects with OneUp's Tasks feature. 

  • Create tasks and assign them to yourself or other employees. Use the Assigned To field in Advanced to set the employee the task is assigned to.
  • Use View Tasks to see tasks for every user, sorted by due date. Use the search box in View Tasks to narrow by customer or employee. When a task is complete, open it through View Tasks and set it "Done".
  • When you mark a task as "Done", you can enter, "Duration (h)" and "Date". This information is used for billing.

Bill Time

Use Bill Time to generate invoices from tasks in Projects- Project Tasks - [︙] button

  • Tasks marked as "Done" can be used for billing.
  • Once a task is billed, it cannot be added to another invoice.
  • Service to bill, with an hourly cost, can be assigned to each employee.This service will be used by default when one of their tasks is invoiced.


View, edit and download your generated invoices with View Invoices.

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