Inventory Withdrawals
Use New Inventory Withdrawal to remove products manually from your inventory for reasons unrelated to sales orders or delivery notes.
- Note: Inventory accounting transactions will be generated based on the current valuation cost of the product. See "Choosing a valuation method for my products" within our Inventory FAQ
A decrease of your inventory will always decrease the inventory account in your balance sheet and increase your account in the cost of goods sold (inventory shortage) in the P&L
Inventory Entries
Use New Inventory Entry to receive products in your inventory when it is not related to a purchase order or receiving note.
- Note: Inventory accounting transactions will be generated based on the current valuation cost of the product. See "Choosing a valuation method for my products" within our Inventory FAQ
An increase of your inventory will always increase the inventory account in your balance sheet and decrease your account in the cost of goods sold (inventory increase) in the P&L
Inventory Withdrawal Lines
Use View Inventory Withdrawal Lines to see inventory withdrawals that originate both from manual Inventory Withdrawals and Delivery Notes.
Inventory Entry Lines
Use View Inventory Entry Lines to see inventory entries that originate both from manual Inventory Entries and from Receiving Notes.
Inventory Transfers
Use New Inventory Transfer if you keep inventory in multiple Storage Locations, and you need to transfer goods between them.