Currency activation and set up
Currency management can be activated in company settings :
- click on YES to manage multi currency
- click on "configure multi currencies " to add currencies and maintain the exchange rates
- click on "add currency" to select the one you need
- define the exchange rate
- confirm the exchange rate and click DONE to leave the set up wizard
Please note:
The sales prices and costs in products and services are in accounting currency. If you wish to sell and purchase in different currencies, please follow the instructions below.
Sales and purchase in foreign currencies
If your customer or vendor always buys or sells in foreign currencies, it makes sense to adjust their data accordingly. Set up the foreign currency in the customer or vendor wizard (advanced - currency).
As soon as you then link your customer or vendor in any document, the currency will be used.
- Please note: the currency used but the sales or purchase price is not converted. You have to manually adjust the price to your currency.
If you need the price to be correct in the according currency, set up a sales or purchase price list in the currency you need and link it either to the according customer / vendor or let it be valid for all customers/vendors who buy or sell in that currency.
- The set up of a sales (Sales - - Sales Price Lists - New Sales Price List ) or purchase price list (Purchasing - - Purchase Price Lists - New Purchase Price List ) in a foreign currency will pull the correct price, if the sales or purchase document header is set to the according currency, also for customers or vendors who are not set up in the according currency
Receive payments in multiple currencies
Payments can only be received into bank accounts that are set up in the according currency!
- Example: invoice is in EUR, customer pays in EUR and you apply a bank account in USD --> does not work
If you do not have a bank account in the payment currency, please create an Offset Bank account that allows you to receive the customer payment in the currency needed.
From this Offset account you can then convert the payment into your "normal" bank account!
- Example: invoice is in EUR, customer pays in EUR to your EUR Offset Bank account
- in Banking Bank Transfer, you then convert from your EUR Offset bank account into your USD bank account
From Bank account: your EUR Offset account
To Bank account: your USD bank account
The conversion rate is taken from your company settings, a gain/loss on exchange is automatically posted (please check your accounting transactions).
Check accounting transactions in foreign currencies
To view foreign currency transactions go to Accounting - More - Accounting transactions and filter by currency.
Balance out Offset Bank Accounts or use Bank transfers for foreign currency into home bank
As your Offset bank accounts are not supposed to show any balances, you will need to transfer the foreign currency amount eventually into your home currency bank. To do so, please do not use any accounting transactions, but bank transfers.
Bank transfers can be created in Accounting - More - Bank Transfers - New Bank Transfer
"From" Bank account will generate a credit / "To" Bank account will create a debit
Updating Exchange Rate
1. Use a service such as or to find out the current exchange rate.
2. Open Company Settings and scroll down to "Configure Multi-currency"
3. In "Configure Multi-currency", select the currency you want to update and click "Update Exchange Rate", update the rate and confirm as well as validate.
What happens when I update my exchange rates?
When you update your exchange rates in the company settings, OneUp will perform a revaluation of your balance sheet accounts that are used in foreign currency.
Debit adjustments in assets and liabilities that are made due to exchange rate updates, will post against gain of exchange in your profit and loss statement..
Credit adjustments in assets and liabilities that are made due to exchange rate updates, will post against loss of exchange in your profit and loss statement.