

You purchase for example 6 cans of beer and you sell one six pack containing those 6 cans ... so the six pack is the pack unit.


Example product

Step 1:

enable the use of pack units in settings - company settings - product and service settings



Step 2:

Create a new pack unit by typing "new pack unit" into the main search bar:



or clicking here: New Pack Unit

The example above show a pack unit "Six Pack" that contains of 6 pieces of a product.


Step 3:

Create a sales price list for your pack unit items in sales - sales price lists . Please note that you will need to define the unit price to reach the total of your pack unit.

In this case 6 Beer would end up in 12.00 for a Six Pack

Note: If you require using pack units in purchasing, you would need to create an according Purchase Price List



Step 4:

You can now create a sales document using the pack units


Inventory movements

You purchase for example those single cans and sell the six pack, your inventory movements will show those 6 unities as withdrawal!



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