Manual Reconciliation cross-checking
OneUp manages several different kinds of bank transaction. Their type is always specified, such as:
- Bank deposit - Sales Receipt
- Bank deposit - Invoice
- Bank deposit - Cash Drawer Closing
Bank Deposit means that the requisite bank has already been assigned in OneUp (i.e entry 512 exists) and that reconciliation will involve a simple cross-checking.
If the bank has not been selected:
- Sales Receipt
- Invoice - Payment (for invoices of which payment has been registered)
- Invoice - Payment deadline (in order to register the payment while matching it)
This list is not exhaustive but allows users to distinguish different cases.
Bank Transfers
Transactions in OneUp can only be reconciled once. When you make a bank transfer, you should only reconcile one of the banks involved (preferably your home/main bank). Any attempt to reconcile the other bank will lead to duplicates in the accounting, since these transactions cannot be "re-matched".