Use this guide to receive products ordered with Purchasing.
Purchase Orders
Usually your order will originate from Purchasing as a purchase order, and continue here.
Receiving Notes
When your order arrives, convert a purchase order into a receiving note using the 1-click action "receive" next to your Purchase Order in the list in Purchasing - Purchase orders and so, receive the products into your inventory.
- You can also create a New Receiving Note directly, and the products will be entered into your inventory.
- Your receiving note will then be available for converting into a bill.
- You register partial receipt by modifying the quantity in your receiving note. The purchase order will then be availble for a next conversion, once the next partial order arrives
Vendor Bills
Convert the receiving notes into bill using the 1-click action "bill" next to your receiving note in the list in Inventory - Receiving Notes and continue your process in Purchasing.
Inventory Entry Lines
Upon creating a receiving note the amount of products in your inventory will be increased with inventory entry lines.
- More information can be found in the guide for Inventory Transactions.
How do I partially receive a purchase order?
To register a partial receipt of a purchase order you will need to adjust the receiving note quantities either during the conversion process (after you click "receive" next to the PO in purchasing - purchase orders) or when you open the already created receiving note in inventory - stock - receiving notes. Modify the quantity and validate by clicking DONE.
You will then be able to receive the same purchase order again for the remaining quantities.