Before working with your new account, you may want to adjust some settings for your company in the Company Settings panel. This panel is only visible to administrators.
- Check or change your accounting currency
- Set up your Tax ID
- Choose the language in which your sales documents will be printed (printing language)
- Enable multi-currencies, if needed
- Select the format in which your documents are being printed (see related guide to Customize Documents)
- Set your accounting basis to accrual or cash (ask your accountant for details)
- Set up custom numbering for documents
- Set your sales and purchase tax label (VAT and U.S. sales tax)
Please note:
- The working period is the period in which you allow any user in your account to register any kind of transaction and is equal to your open fiscal years (maximum of 2 allowed)
- Once you set up the accounting currency or accounting basis and register your first transaction, those settings cannot be changed anymore
- Updating the VAT label does not change it everywhere on-screen within the application, but it will always be used when sending or printing documents.