Company Settings

Accessing Company Settings

To access Company Settings , log into OneUp and click on the Settings icon in the top right-hand corner.



Entering/Changing Contact Information

Fill in the requisite fields and click “DONE”.


Uploading/Changing Your Company Logo

Drag and drop or select an image file from your computer



Document Settings

“Documents” refers to sales documents such as invoices and quotes. OneUp offers default templates that you can edit. You also have the option of creating your own document template.

Scroll down to “Document Settings” and click on “Edit Template” to begin editing.



Sales Settings

Sales Settings allows you to set default expiration period for quotes and to enable cash drawer management.


Finance Settings

  • See Sales and Purchase Tax label
  • Set your accounting basis to accrual or cash (ask your CPA for details)
  • Track customers and vendors for for Sales Receipt and Expenses
  • Set your working period: this does not necessarily refer to the fiscal year. It is the period in which you allow users to register transactions
  • See Activate and manage multiple currencies


Product and Service Settings


Auto Numbering

When you create a document within OneUp, a code is automatically generated. Code Customization enables you to edit the naming convention and the starting number.  


Select a document type from the “Select an Object” box. The second box shows the last code used for that document type and allows you to manually edit it.

Please keep in mind the number becomes un-editable after creating your first document under that convention.

Also the prefix cannot end in a number, so if you type in such a prefix, the numbers at the end of the prefix will be removed.


Account Maintenance

This section allows you to permanently delete your account.

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